Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) ELISA Kit (96 tests)
Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) ELISA Kit (96 tests)
Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) is one of the most important infectious diseases that affect the Salmon industry worldwide. It was first reported in wild Atlantic salmon populations in the rivers of Dee and Spey in Scotland in the year 1933. Subsequently the disease has spread and reported on wild and farmed salmon populations in North and South America, Europe and Japan.
Outbreaks occur throughout the year, but generally is observed with rising water temperatures during spring. Infections often results in significant mortalities affecting Salmonid farms production during an extended period of time.
The causative agent of this disease is a small gram positive rod shaped bacterium Renibacterium salmoninarum. The gross external pathology of Bacterial Kidney Disease ranges from complete lack of visible signs to the fish exhibiting a darkening of its skin, hemorrhage at the base of its fins and protruding eyes. In some fish grey or yellowish nodules may be present on the kidney, liver, spleen or heart. There might be also an enlargement of the kidney and spleen that may be covered by a dark or opaque membrane.
Transmission of Bacterial Kidney Disease can be by direct contact with infected fish and water or through eggs and sperm.
Renibacterium salmoninarum exhibit a slow growth on bacteriological media and samples collected from fish tissues under field conditions usually become overgrown by other faster growing microorganism. Culture of the organism if therefore difficult and highly sensitive and specific immuno-diagnostic assays should be used.
The Bacterial Kidney Disease ELISA test from Ango is an immuno-diagnostic assay for the detection of Renibacterium salmoninarum in fish tissue and fluid samples. The test aloud for simultaneous analysis of multiple samples. The test high specificity and sensibility are ideal for the correct, rapid and opportune diagnosis of the disease.